First Proposal

Description :
Land Area : 46.000 sqm
Office : 100.000 sqm, 60 storey
Retail : 50.000 sqm, 3 storey Total Hotel & Apartment : 41 storey
- Hotel (5star) : 24.000 sqm, 22 storey, 300 room keys - Apartment : 30.000 sqm, 19 storey
Location : Jl. Asia Afrika, Jakarta Selatan
Client : PT Wijaya Wisesa Realty
There still no news about the final proposal. And still, the plot land is also the same plot land used for Senayan Archipelago. No idea which one will rise up
minimnya vgetasi pada desain di atas..hanya akan menimbulkan naiknya suhu/temperatur di area tersebut..minimnya ruang publik terbuka/ ruang terbuka hijau, seakan-akan menimbulkan persepsi.."ayo masuk ke mall" dan menimbulkan dampak konsumerisme yang tinggi..